NYU Medical Foundation Models

We imagine a world where medical foundation models impact every aspect of healthcare from patient to provider and everything in between. Here we list on-going efforts at NYU Langone to rethink every aspect of healthcare through foundation models. Individual project sites below contain information on specific initiatives and contain links to demos (where appropriate), manuscripts, and brief summaries of the research.


NYUTron is a large encoder style language model pre-trained on a multi-hospital EHR dataset and deployed for real-time clinical and operational intelligence.


NYUConsult is coming soon.


NYUBrain is coming soon.

Risks and Ethics of Medical Foundation Models

As part of our research into Medical Foundation Models we start with one of the guiding principles of medical care - first do no harm. A critical part of working with these models is to ensure that the risks are well-understood, and controlled for, including risks to privacy posed by the use of personal health information, risks of bias in model predictions, and the ethics posed by integrating AI into medical care

Access to NYU Medical Foundation Models and Information for Potential Collaborators

Access to NYU Medical Foundation Models is handled on a per-model basis as many of these models have potential risks associated with them (Risks and Ethics above). Please see individual project pages for links to manuscripts, open source codebases (when appropriate), and further information on each project. Parties interested in accessing models, collaborating with NYU Researchers, or supporting our efforts should inquire further here.